Monday, January 12, 2009

Ready for the 3 day trip

So...It's 9:28am and I'm sitting in a corner of gate D2 at the Philly International Airport, awaiting my 10 am flight to Phoenix where I have to change flights to get to San Francisco. I'm gonna be in Sydney for 14 weeks, away from family and friends, and it's nerve-racking. I've been awaiting this trip since I was a junior in high school, but since it's completely a reality now, I'm extremely nervous, especially because I'm completely alone and I'm not going with anyone that I know. I know I'm going to meet millions of people- it's just the fact that right now, I know nobody. But as nervous as I am, I'm excited to leave all of my worries behind in the U.S. and start a new life on the other side of the world, literally. Although this Christmas break was great and I saw Gracie, Craig, and Gianna down in Florida and all of my friends both from home and from Fordham, now is the perfect time in my life to get away and start something new. I can only hope this trip is filled with exactly what I need, whatever that may be.

Well, they're boarding the plane now and I gotta get in line. I can only hope that you will continue reading my blog and enjoy reading my experiences. I realize I will only be able to provide you with a small fraction of the experience of actually living in Australia, but I hope you enjoy it all the same. Thanks to everyone who came to my fairwell party at my house and I will miss everyone mucho.

To my Carroll friends, I expect to see you all as soon as I return. To 1202 and everyone at Fordham, have an awesome semester and I will miss you and all of your crazy stories dearly. To my friends and family, you know I'll always be thinking of you and I love you!

But for now, they're calling me.....And here we go...

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