Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm getting better at this...

I think the title says it all. These past 2 weeks have gone by pretty well. My class for the Australian Wine Industry is really cool, but also somewhat of a joke. It's a three hour long class twice a week, but half of the time we're either doing collages of wine from wine magazines, writing poems about wine, or creating hypothetical events on how to advertise and sell your own wine...need I say more? However, we have also been learning about what wines pair up well with what foods, so that's probably one of the only cool things I'll get out of the course.

I absolutely love my job- it is awesome and I don't think I'll ever get a better internship. I work for this production company called Core3 Entertainment where theyre developing about 5 television shows, 3 films, and a few side projects dealing with new media. My job is basically to read scripts, tell my bosses what I think of them, how it can improve, and yet also listen in on the meetings to get a better idea of how the business works. Right now, they're currently applying for this thing called the EOI which gives them $500,000 to start funding their projects, but I've mainly just been working on research. And best of all, I love the people I work with. My two main bosses are Matt and Philippa (we call her Pip). Matt was one of the guys in charge for a lot of the visual effects in The Matrix and Happy Feet and Pip went to the same exact school and did the same program (USC School of Cinematic Arts Production Program) that I'm considering applying to after Fordham, so that would help me out so much if I got a letter of reference from her considering only 5% of applicants get accepted. Their last intern applied there as well, and possibly because of Pip's reference letter, she was accepted, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm also just excited to work there because so many people have passed through that office just doing their jobs like Peter Weir (director of the Truman Show and Master and Commander). So it just gives me more confidence that I'm in the area of work that I want to be.

Besides that, nothing too new has been going on. Things are really coming to a routine around here. I wake up, go to work from 9-5, either go to class or go running, and then if I'm not too tired head out for a night on the town. Tonight, however, my roommate was able to get free tickets to a big rugby game tonight because that's who he works for, so I'll finally be experiencing my first Australian rugby match. And next week, for our Wine Class, we're going to the Hunter Valley which is where Australia's biggest wine-selling area is located, so our whole class is basically going wine tasting for 2 straight days, so I'll definitely let you all know how that goes.

That's it for now. About 40 days exactly until I return. And I hope the weather is starting to get a little better over in the states for you guys.

Hope all is well, Skippy

1 comment:

  1. skiiipyyy, damn you and that wine class, it sounds like it was made for me lol, why dont they offer something like that here with the chilean wine??
    also, your roommate is gucker??? i was unaware of thiss...tell him i say HI
