Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm getting better at this...

I think the title says it all. These past 2 weeks have gone by pretty well. My class for the Australian Wine Industry is really cool, but also somewhat of a joke. It's a three hour long class twice a week, but half of the time we're either doing collages of wine from wine magazines, writing poems about wine, or creating hypothetical events on how to advertise and sell your own wine...need I say more? However, we have also been learning about what wines pair up well with what foods, so that's probably one of the only cool things I'll get out of the course.

I absolutely love my job- it is awesome and I don't think I'll ever get a better internship. I work for this production company called Core3 Entertainment where theyre developing about 5 television shows, 3 films, and a few side projects dealing with new media. My job is basically to read scripts, tell my bosses what I think of them, how it can improve, and yet also listen in on the meetings to get a better idea of how the business works. Right now, they're currently applying for this thing called the EOI which gives them $500,000 to start funding their projects, but I've mainly just been working on research. And best of all, I love the people I work with. My two main bosses are Matt and Philippa (we call her Pip). Matt was one of the guys in charge for a lot of the visual effects in The Matrix and Happy Feet and Pip went to the same exact school and did the same program (USC School of Cinematic Arts Production Program) that I'm considering applying to after Fordham, so that would help me out so much if I got a letter of reference from her considering only 5% of applicants get accepted. Their last intern applied there as well, and possibly because of Pip's reference letter, she was accepted, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm also just excited to work there because so many people have passed through that office just doing their jobs like Peter Weir (director of the Truman Show and Master and Commander). So it just gives me more confidence that I'm in the area of work that I want to be.

Besides that, nothing too new has been going on. Things are really coming to a routine around here. I wake up, go to work from 9-5, either go to class or go running, and then if I'm not too tired head out for a night on the town. Tonight, however, my roommate was able to get free tickets to a big rugby game tonight because that's who he works for, so I'll finally be experiencing my first Australian rugby match. And next week, for our Wine Class, we're going to the Hunter Valley which is where Australia's biggest wine-selling area is located, so our whole class is basically going wine tasting for 2 straight days, so I'll definitely let you all know how that goes.

That's it for now. About 40 days exactly until I return. And I hope the weather is starting to get a little better over in the states for you guys.

Hope all is well, Skippy

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the 4 Ss- Surf Camp, Student Trip, Student Films, and Spring Break

Okay, so I’ll warn you now, this blog update is going to be a MUCH longer than the past ones, so only start reading this when you actually have time to…or if you’re just bored. BUT PLEASE READ IT EVENTUALLY!

So, yeah! Once again, I am sorry to say that it has taken me forever to give you guys some updates. However, that just means that I’ve been keeping busy and time has been flying by. Right now, we’re past the half way point and the countdown to come home has begun! So let me start from where I left off…

So, SURF CAMP was AWESOME! We went out four times for 2 hours sessions and yes, I surfed. It was surprisingly not as hard as some people say. Granted I wasn’t absolutely incredible, I was pretty proud of myself because not only could I stand up, but I could also ride the wave almost all the way to the shore and turn as well. As you may have seen on my facebook, there is proof that I did indeed stand up.

A week or two after that, our whole program took a trip (all teachers and 125 students) to Melbourne from February 15th-18th. It was a great time and it was awesome to see exactly how different the two biggest cities in Australia are. I even had to do a report on exactly how different the two cities are. Sydney, if had to be compared to a city in the US, would probably be like an LA, with maybe the fashion of New York. The clubs are right out on the big streets and if you go out, you go to a pretty popular bar with a big dance floor. In Melbourne, although SOME of those places existed, the main place to party was in down in the alleys, or as they call them, the laneways. These are darker alleys that connect the big streets, but hold smaller bars where a whole bunch of people go. For example, we went one night to this small bar called St. Jeromes. All it was was a small one room bar and then a back patio that was about 4x the size of the bar where a DJ just played very chill, reggae dance music and everyone either just hung out or danced. It was so different from the normal clubs for a number of reasons, one being that guys and girls shared the same dirty 4-stall bathroom and another being that the smell of marijuana was constantly in the air. Another night, me and a few friends went to a small, very relaxing jazz club where a 3-person jazz band was putting on a small performance. It was so different compared to anything we usually do in Sydney, let alone the U.S. One final thing that I made sure that I did while I was there was go to the ACMI, the Australian Center for the Moving Image. They had a whole bunch of different exhibits from different movie sets, from the Shining to the Matrix and from the Terminal to the newly released Australia. They had a million different miniature models from the different sets of movies, especially The Terminal and Australia. Did you know that for the movie the Terminal, they actually built an airport to film the movie?? Impressive, huh? That was just one of a hundred things I learned that day and was EXTREMELY satisfied upon leaving the museum, completely inspired to continue my pursuit to Hollywood.

Then a week or 2 went by with just the usual schedule. One week was very relaxing, just heading to the beach with not much work to do. However, the last week was hell with 1 project, 1 big paper, and 2 finals. On a good note though, the final project for my film production class was to make a short film, so my partner, James, and I went out for lunch one day a few weeks earlier and discussed exactly what we wanted to do, and ultimately agreed upon a short drama/romance film. After a few days of filming and a good 3 or 4 days of editing, we finalized are 8 minute film and debuted it to about 75 of the students in the program along with the 6 other students in our class and their films. Needless to say, I was very happy with the final project and if anyone would like to see it, just let me know and I’ll make sure I can somehow get you a copy or just let you view it.

Then, the day after that viewing, we had our last final exam and then went straight from there to pick up our bags in our rooms and head out for spring break. I went to Cairns for 6 days and then sailing on the Whitsundays over the Great Barrier Reef for a night with my roommate Mike and my two friends Adam and Bo. Needless to say, it was the most awesome, yet extreme and intense week of my life (not to mention expensive). However, it was worth every penny. The day after we got there, we went on a cruise of the Great Barrier Reef and snorkeled. Some people were deciding to scuba dive, and considering it wasn’t that much extra, I decided that there would be no other opportunity in my life (most likely) to scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef, so I did and do not regret it at all. We swam alongside sea turtles and so many different fish. There were stingrays at the bottom covered by sand and eventually started moving towards us, which kinda scared me but I still enjoyed it. I even saw Nemo and the little section of the coral that he lived in! It was incredible. The next day we went White Water Rafting on the Tully River which was awesome. The rapids were much more intense than I was expecting but so much fun. At some points our raft was completely underwater as we went down different rapids. We were even able to go cliff jumping into the water at some points (which I’ve been dying to do) and the highest point that we jumped from was 30 feet (much higher than it sounds) but I loved it. The next 2 days we had an overnight trip in the rain forest at this place called Cape Tribulation. I didn’t do much there, but I did walk to beach, feed flies to HUGE spiders, and sat by the pool reading a book a drinking a pina colada. Talk about living the dream. The day after we got back from that was THE extreme day. I finally did what I’ve been dying to do for the past 4 years of my life- Skydive. Needless to say, I do believe it may’ve been the best experience of my life and highly, HIGHLY recommend that anyone who even considers doing it should definitely try it. 2 hours after that, I was bungy-jumping from 164 feet in the air, which although the skydive was the best experience of my life, bungy-jumping was WITHOUT A DOUBT the scariest (besides a car accident 4 years ago). But anyways, yeah, it was insane, and I had the opportunity to buy the video, but I didn’t because I watched it and was way too embarrassed because I seriously looked like I was going to crap myself I looked so terrified.

Then we were scheduled to spend 2 days sailing on the Whitsundays. We went out for one night on the boat, sharing stories with the other people on the boat and drinking wine while watching an incredible sunset. Strangely enough, I met someone on the boat who knew a good friend of mine, Kevin Smart, and also was best friends with kids who I was best friends with when I was 5 years old. Small world, right? Then we hung out on the beach for a little the next day, but had to come back into shore due to a Category 5 Cyclone. For those of you who don’t really know, cyclones are basically the same exact thing as hurricanes. So yeah, it was supposed to hit exactly where we were…meaning it could’ve been disastrous and quite possibly fatal, but for some reason we were never hit by it, so we just hopped on the airplane as quick as possible and came back to Sydney. I do not believe I will have a better spring break in my life (especially considering I really only have one more left). Anyways, so I’m back here now, counting the days down. My internship starts tomorrow at a place called Core3 Productions. They’re working on a new show which is somewhat like Entourage so I’m going to be helping them with the whole production process. They mentioned that they would want me to travel to Perth in Western Australia with them, so if possible, I definitely will. I started my last class today as well- The Australian Wine Industry. I’ll update you guys on how that’s going.

On a final note, I’m very very upset that I could not have been home these past 2 weeks for a number of reasons, but one especially in particular. Sometimes I feel very guilty being all the way out here and having no way to be with anyone at home, especially when they need it. Just know that I AM counting the days down to return home and see all of you soon again. But for now, take care, and there is no way I’m going to let myself ignore this blog any longer. I will update you more often….hopefully.

Cheers from the other side of the world, Skippy

Friday, January 30, 2009


To all of my loyal fans, I am VERY sorry it's taken me so long to update this thing. But what matters is, I'M HERE! And have been here for about 2 weeks now already. I've been very very busy non-stop just trying to get adjusted, talking to my advisors, going to class, studying (yes, I actually studied because my first quiz was yesterday), going to the beach, down to the harbor, exploring, so yeah...I'm keeping busy. So here's my adventure so far:

So the plane ride sucked, obviously. But it wasn't AS BAD as I was expecting...basically because I was expecting to never be able to get off the plane since it was about 16 hours. I met a few people at the airport, trying to slowly find my way into a group that felt right. Unfortunately, I noticed that ALOT of them had already known each other from Boston University, so it felt like it was going to be a little more of a challenge to fit in than I thought so previously. However, I just met random people here and there at the airports and on the plane and eventually I found a group that I'm comfortable with. My roommates cool and is the only other guy from Fordham so we get along fine and then we have a few other friends that we've been going to the beach with and going out with at night.

The people here are extremely nice. For example, if you kinda bump into someone on the street, even if theyre already 5 feet in front or behind you, they'll make sure they turn around and say sorry real quick...not like in NYC where if you bump into someone you'll just be completely ignored. Now a main question has the toilets flush the opposite way? Well, unfortunately all of the toilets seem to just go straight down, but if I find out more about that I'll keep you posted. Another interesting thing that I noticed is this. Say you're walking down the street of NYC or anywhere in America and a person is walking towards you straight on, your instinct is to go to the right and theyll go to THEIR right. Well, since they drive on the opposite side of the road, they always go their left (and this happens alot considering how much you walk in the city). And it's REALLY confusing considering I'll go to my right and they'll go to their left and then it just gets really confusing when you both are right in front of each other...but I've adjusted now and know to go to the left (I almost typed right). Also, crossing the street SUCKS. You always look to your left when you should be looking right and then all of a sudden cars are coming right at you. My roommate almost got hit I'm being extra careful about that.

My classes are sweet. Australian Culture and Society is easy and it's cool learning about how Australia was originally a convict island and eventually they just started their own culture. They also had to intergrate themselves with the natives (the Aboriginals) who have been here for almost 50,000 years! Crazy right? Then I have my Film Production class which is awesome because we get to make our own films in groups of 2, but then I found out that on the last day of the first session, we're not gonna be showing the films to just our class, but ALL 125 kids that are in the that's a little nerve-racking, but I'm excited!

I've seen the Harbor Bridge, the Opera House (MUCH LARGER THAN I EXPECTED), walked through the city, gone to Kings Cross (kinda like the Amsterdam of Sydney and full of prositutes....which is legal which is kinda weird), taken a Booze Cruise through the bay, celebrated AUSTRALIA DAY (which is like our 4th of july), and then Australian Open is going on too and their almost at the finals so that should be fun to watch. We booked our spring break trip so we're going to Cairns (supposedly one of the best places in the world for spring break), and then sailing for 2 days in Whitsunday around the Great Barrier Reef. And then for easter break we're planning on going to the Outback which is exciting.

Alright this is getting a little long and you may be getting bored (or just jealous), so I'm gonna head out. I'm going to SURF CAMP this weekend and am SO excited to learn!!! I leave in a few hours so I'll let you know how well I can surf (if at all). Please let me know if you have any specific questions via facebook, e-mail, or however. I hope everyone is doing well at home! I heard you guys have gotten a ton of snow since I've left so I honestly am upset you have to deal with that. But hey, it's almost February, which means a little bit closer to spring and ALSO closer to my return home. I miss you all and will try to get the next update posted a little sooner than last time.

Cheers, Skippy

Monday, January 12, 2009

Ready for the 3 day trip

So...It's 9:28am and I'm sitting in a corner of gate D2 at the Philly International Airport, awaiting my 10 am flight to Phoenix where I have to change flights to get to San Francisco. I'm gonna be in Sydney for 14 weeks, away from family and friends, and it's nerve-racking. I've been awaiting this trip since I was a junior in high school, but since it's completely a reality now, I'm extremely nervous, especially because I'm completely alone and I'm not going with anyone that I know. I know I'm going to meet millions of people- it's just the fact that right now, I know nobody. But as nervous as I am, I'm excited to leave all of my worries behind in the U.S. and start a new life on the other side of the world, literally. Although this Christmas break was great and I saw Gracie, Craig, and Gianna down in Florida and all of my friends both from home and from Fordham, now is the perfect time in my life to get away and start something new. I can only hope this trip is filled with exactly what I need, whatever that may be.

Well, they're boarding the plane now and I gotta get in line. I can only hope that you will continue reading my blog and enjoy reading my experiences. I realize I will only be able to provide you with a small fraction of the experience of actually living in Australia, but I hope you enjoy it all the same. Thanks to everyone who came to my fairwell party at my house and I will miss everyone mucho.

To my Carroll friends, I expect to see you all as soon as I return. To 1202 and everyone at Fordham, have an awesome semester and I will miss you and all of your crazy stories dearly. To my friends and family, you know I'll always be thinking of you and I love you!

But for now, they're calling me.....And here we go...